Wednesday, January 10, 2007

snow days

Okay, so I don't know what has happened with this blog. It could be divine intervention, but I'm going to give it one more try, and see if it's just some weird computer glitch. Some people say I read too much into things, so I'll persevere and try to prove them wrong.
Today I was a witness to the craziest snow storm I've seen in my life. Saskatoon. I love it, and it kills me. I have never been so afraid in traffic as when I was driving home today. So, we are happy in our warm home, but scared of what the world will look like when we wake up tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bus Rides

Today I learned a few lessons. I learned that the more I try to save my time, the more I often lose it. I also learned that self pity is the nemesis of my joy.

I feel like I learned this lesson the hard way. Some people that I love were having a dinner party tonight, and I almost went, but decided to stay at school and do homework instead. Sometimes the task oriented side of me craves the completion of tasks so much... So, I decided not to go, but couldn't concentrate too much on what I was meaning to do. So, I got on the bus to go home. Now I don't usually take the bus, so today was a novelty for me. The only thing is, I got on the bus going the wrong way. It's a good thing I live in Saskatoon because any other city and I could have been long gone for up to 3 hours, going to the other side of the city and back, and stopping every 2 blocks. At first I thought it was funny, then I started getting frustrated, then I decided to try to do some work, then I called my mom. That was the last straw. Sometimes it's great to talk to my mom, but her love for me can cover over a multitude of my sins, including self pity. That's the one that plagued me today, and I gave in shamelessly. So, after 1.5 hours on the bus, getting off at the wrong spot, and falling on my rear in the middle of an intersection, I feel like I"ve learned some lessons. I need to be reminded to value people more than time, and that self pity really is the nemesis of my joy.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

the only rational act

the only rational act

Friday night in Saskatoon

I just got home from a pub crawl. I haven't been on one since before I surrendered my life to Jesus, and I'll give a bit of background so that you know where I'm coming from. A friend, Danae, and I went so that we could spend some more time with some of the girls that we work out with. The theme was "would you still be my friend if I wore this?" which is a great theme party idea I must say. It was fun to dance, fun to get to know people, and so good to be able to talk about spirituality with some of the people. But now I'm home, and I have a heavy heart. I'm glad that I got the chance to experience this tonight because it's a big eye opener. There really are people who don't know Christ. There are people who are looking for satisfaction in things that don't promise them anything in return. There are people who, unless they find Jesus, will not be with Him forever. This was more than an eye opener, it was a wake up call for my heart. Lord God, help me to be and go where you want me to, to give my life so that anyone and everyone can know you. I can't save them, but you can. Please do it... amen.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why I Like Concerts

From Air Supply to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I have to say that concerts have breathed a breath of fresh air into my social life lately.
Air Supply was a totally last minute event, that my friend Andrew and I got to see. "I'm all out of love..." who hasn't always wanted to hear that song live? You know it! If I had known that my friend Anna was a die hard fan, I would have invited her in an instant, but I'll have to wait now until the next time Air Supply passes through Western Canada on their permatour of 30years... Here is a picture of Andrew and I with the Air Supply that will never end, to commemorate the evening.

If you had asked me in grade 8, "Jill, what would be your all time favourite show to see???", without hesitation I would have said the Red Hot Chili Peppers. No second guessing, just pure joy at the thought of seeing them live. Now I'm not sure if I said a little prayer way back in junior high, but if I did, it was answered this September in Saskatoon. Who knew such a sweet town would host a great show like that. My only qualms about going were that when I loved Flea and Anthony back in the days, I was also pretty desenstized to the wraunchy lyrics that they produced. I just loved the music.

So... this is why I am so happy to say that when I saw them last month, I was totally overjoyed by a great light show, unequaled talent (Flea and John Frusciante still amaze me) and a lighthearted time of dancing (to old school punk songs) and laughing at the rock kids with arms linked, swaying to "under the bridge". It wasn't wraunchy, it wasn't a let down, but it was a lot of fun, and even an answer to prayer for protection of my brain from garbage coming in, and the joy of a great night out.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

One of my favourite Saskatchewan memories so far... This is at a friend's farm just outside the city. She's counting the cows to be sure all the girls are still there. It was a beautiful night, and helps me appreciate why my grandpa loves the prairies so much. The skies are alive, just like the license plate says.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our new staff team

What's in a name?

The first day that we were on campus was such a gift to my heart. Brent Charlotte and I were walking out of the bookstore as we overheard someone say, "Utah has a lot of mormons don't they?" I called out a quick 'yes' over the shoulder, and heard someone say something back. So, back into the bookstore we went and found ourselves in the middle of a conversation about the differences between mormonism and Christianity. We met a great guy who's name I'll keep to myself from Kuwait, and he had been talking with some mormon missionaries. One of his last statements really struck our hearts. He said, "If anyone is nice enough to remember my name the least I can do is check out their religion... so I told them I would."

Remembering a name. Is that all it may take to gain credibility with someone? It seemed so simple, and so scary. We had a good talk with him, explained some of the differences, and made plans to meet again. God bless him, and help us to love the people around us enough to remember names, and even more so, to share the infinitely greater love of God. I'm glad He knows my name, and our new friend's, but so glad that He loves so much more than that.

Friday, August 25, 2006

This was one of my favourite moments before leaving my hometown to go East. It was an impromptu cookie baking night, with laughs and so much love between friends. I asked God to help me as I planned my last weeks at home, and the places and people He led me to were beautiful gifted moments.

I got have sleepovers with my mom, dance at a wedding with my dad and brothers, be reconnected with cousins who will forever be my family, giggle through an Air Supply concert, hold my friends sweet new baby girl, and laugh and eat with the friends that have been closest to my heart. Here are some pictures of them.

never say never

I thought I would never be the type of person to have a blog, and I have yet to see if I'll actually maintain one. I am excited, however, to keep in touch with my friends and family now that I've moved to a new prairie town and am a few miles away from my precious home. The idea for this blog came from a friend, and I hope will contribute to a new lifestyle that still keeps me happily intentional about the things I find so important, but not to busy for the only rational act. If you're not sure what that is, consider the life and words of Jesus Christ, as is summarized centuries later in "Tuesdays with Morrie" page 52.